Friday 28 September 2012

Week 7 – 5 weeks to go – mega pound loss

 I lost 40 pounds at the weekend – ok this was actual pounds Sterling which I lost at the horse races on Saturday.  Was a bank holiday weekend this weekend so the drinking and eating levels went sky high again.  So I was not surprised to see when I stepped on the scales this morning that my weight was still at the high figure of last week and no actual weightloss….. FECK!!!

So now with 5 weeks to go I really need to up my game – though I am going out for dinner and drinks tonight for a leaving do – aaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I did however go for a run last night and was at the gym this morning for a personal training session which I was nearly sick in. On a good point the trainer did tell me I was allowed to eat around 300 calories more than I had been trying to stick to so happy days!  Alcohol free Saturday then some exercise Sunday maybe a couple of glasses of wine at night should mean that I can start full force on Monday and by the time it comes to my next personal training session I will have a loss – PLEASE willpower, PLEASE!!!

I have also decided that the Acai berry pills are useless and play havoc with my digestion so I have stopped taking them as I was a bit bloated and sluggish feeling.

Trying to think of a positive for this week but I have spent the week getting over the weekend so there are none.  Happier post next week please!

5 weeks to go - 10 pounds off????

Friday 21 September 2012

Week 6 (6 weeks to go) vicious cold stops my progress

Feeling rotten and once againa weight gain, though I am not surprised.  Had a reasonably calorific weekend with a bottle of wine on Saturday and Sunday as predicted my parents (well dad really) were up for a few drinks after being away with the healthy ones for a week. 

Then woke up on Monday morning feeling like someone had sandpapered my throat and was stomping on my head, off I went to work loaded with the cold and not in a great mood.  Was shattered by the time I got home and all week I have made the mistake of falling asleep before/after dinner and sleeping for too long so when I have been going to bed thinking I will have a nice early night and feel good the next day I have ended up awake till 1am because of my couch napping.  Did try to fight it last night but didn’t work!  It has also been one of those colds that you have to feed so I have been stuffing carbalicious comfort food into my mouth all week in order to feel better – result back on the 2 pounds that I had lost – aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! No gym as I was feeling rotten…. God this weight loss stuff is hard!

I had signed up for a personal trainer for 8 sessions which were supposed to start this morning but he cancelled – luckily I found this out after I was at the gym so I used the time to go on the treadmill and use the Powerplate machine before work, if I had found out before I went I would have stayed in bed!

On the plus side am slightly more organised this week and I have started a crocheting project – taught myself using Utube so results may be interesting.  Also got my dad to sort out my sewing machine so will get those curtains started, I may even post some pictures of my craft endeavours to make this bog slightly more interesting than me just whining about my weight!

Off to the goldcup horse racing tomorrow so wish me luck for the races and the weight loss! xx

Friday 14 September 2012

Week 5 - a loss, yipee!!! (7 weeks to go)

Welllllll…………………….. I have lost two pounds!  Well technically one pound and that pesky extra pound I had put on last week.

Weekend in London was great – the weather was scorching and I ate ate ate and drank drank drank to my hearts content!  Now to the serious stuff – have I behaved since Monday????  and finally the answer is YES!  I have been within my calorie range Monday to Thursday and Friday so far is going ok, though I am tempted to go for lunch today and have a feeling a large glass or two of wine may sneek into my diet tonight though I will try and be strong for the cause! 

I was trying for a low/no carbs approach this week but on Tuesday night 5 little baby potatoes snuck their way onto my plate – they have never tasted sooooo good - and yesterday I had a sandwich at lunch time as I had run our of salad ideas.  But my thinking on that is, if that’s the worse for the week then its no biggy!  Exercise wise I have been very good, gym Monday, Wednesday, Thursday.  No pain no gain (or loss as is should say).

Am off to a wedding fair tomorrow modelling a dress for a friend though I have warned her it might be a bit of a squeeze getting this stomach into a dress!  Then the parentals are up Saturday and Sunday which can usually involve a lot of wine but they have been away at my brothers for a week so am hoping they will be sick of wine and good food, though his wife is a nutritionist so they may be craving curry and beer! 

Fingers crossed for a good(ish) weekend and a further weight loss next week.

Oh and on the point of losing/damaging/breaking things:-

1  Passport (lost) applying for a new one – better be here before my holidays.....
2  Driving licence (lost)  not got around to applying yet – one thing at a time people!
3  Wedding ring (lost in the flat so findable) found found found in the kitchen bin, yeuch!
4  Iphone with some guy who fixes them apparently – still waiting for it back but progress none the less
5  Hard drive with all photos, music etc this is next on this list

So on a slightly better track than I was, please all cross your fingers and pray to what ever god you believe in that my passport arrives in 3 weeks time at least!

Friday 7 September 2012

Week 4 - a gain (8 weeks to go!) - seriously!!!!

Remember when I said I wasn’t going to weigh myself for two weeks because exercise takes two weeks to work on the weight loss……………….. well it may do if I actually did some exercise!  I have actually put on a pound this week, no kidding another pound on – great!!!

Feeling a bit sorry for myself this week and it did not go well. Was OHs birthday this week so last weekend we went on it large on the Saturday night, it looked like we had had a party with about 10 people in the house when it was just the two of us, damn you jager!   Then died and ate crap on the Sunday.  Monday was still feeling rubbish but it was an eat all I can see day (and after an Asda shop before dinner this was quite a lot) and stuffed myself stupid, also lovely OH decided to torment me by bringing out a Dime bar.  I am not a chocolate fan though I will eat it if given to me but I do love Dime so as usual having no will power I polished a bar off even though I was not even remotely hungry.  Tuesday was also an eat all you can see and Wednesday was ok though someone had brought cakes in and as I was shattered after working Tuesday night (as well as my 9-5 job) that I ate rather far too many of them.  Thursday I ate far too much for dinner and had some wine to try and cheer myself up.  That didn’t work so decided to watch The Notebook so as to have a good cry, that part did work!

So stepped on the scales this morning not hoping for the best and was rewarded for my laziness with ANOTHER pound to lose before my holidays!  8 weeks to go and a stone to lose – who am I kidding!  Off to London this weekend which is not going to be calorie free, DIET and EXERCISE start MONDAY!!!!! Fingers crossed for at least that new pesky pound off next week.

Oh and as I am typing this I am stuffing a bacon roll into my mouth and drinking a full fat cappuccino as one of my lovely colleagues had brought it in to cheer up Friday, would be rude not to! xx

Friday 31 August 2012

Week 3 - disaster week

Well the wedding went well at the weekend but the diet didn’t!  Saturday was drink, drink and more drink with lunch and dinner being pub grub (don’t even want to think of the calorific impact).  Then at the wedding on Sunday I don’t think I have ever drank so much sparkling wine and white wine, they just kept topping your glass up and it would be rude to say no!  Monday was hair of the dog and then introducing my other half (OH) to Nandos for lunch – he loved it but he is a spice junky to he went for extra hot.  My lips were burning after my hot wings so god knows how he managed an extra hot burger! 

That being said the rest of the week was a right off, Tuesday was a feeling sorry for myself day so I ate and ate and ate to feel better, Wednesday was dinner and drinks at my friends house – very tasty but pretty calorific and then last night I just couldn’t be arsed so picked at things to eat meaning that instead of having a low calorie dinner I had lots of high calorie bites to eat.

The exercise has been non-existent this week which is not good so it’s fair to say that even though I have not weighed myself I wont have lost any weight.

This week has made me concentrate on where I am going wrong so thought I would do yet another list and try again to stick to things:-

1                    Don’t drink so much, not just for the calories but for the fact that it makes me tired and de-motivated.  OH is off this weekend so we will be having a quiet night in with wine on Saturday and Sunday dinner on Sunday (haven’t done that for ages) so diet will effectively start up again Monday.
2                    Be more organised – if I have milk in the house I can have cereal for breakfast or make a bowl of fruit the night before that way I am not temped to pop into Tesco on the way to work and buy a calorific sandwich which takes up most of my calories for the day – they don’t seem to stock many of the lighter choices ones and if they do they taste like cardboard!
3                    Exercise more – 30mins a day is better than doing 2 hours one day and feeling stiff/sore the next day.

So if I can stick to this with 9 weeks to go I can buy myself some nice underwear and some nice new work clothes to celebrate the fact that I am on the road to being less of a fatty boom boom!  A pound a week would be great – fingers crossed for the will power! xx

Friday 24 August 2012

Week 2 (10 weeks to go)

So I have decided that my weigh in day will now be a Friday – the longest possible time from the indulgence of the weekend to get the pounds back off again.  I also think that my last post was rather premature as I think the weight loss that day was simply dehydration as a bottle of wine had been consumed the night before so gave a false reading as I stood on the scales two days later and it was back up to the original weight.

I have now weighed myself today and I have officially lost 2 pounds (no wine at all Monday to Friday this week!) which is pretty good considering my eating habits have not been great plus I did have a few drinks last weekend.  This being said I have been out running last Thursday (as per my last post), 30 day shred Saturday, 30 day shred Sunday, running on treadmill Monday, spin class and a 10 min treadmill run Tuesday and a run last night.  By the way 30 day shred is my number (7) resolution now.  I have heard it works and has given me sore arms/bum/stomach the next day after doing it, so here goes.  On a separate point I’m not convinced about the acai berry capsules but hey ho they can’t be doing any harm!

Now as well as the holiday incentive I have 3 other motivations this week to lose it:-
(1) none of my clothes fit so I wear the same thing all the time to work
(2) I was telling a customer that my friend had 13 weeks left to go in her pregnancy and I think he thought I said I was 13 weeks preggers and asked for clarification before congratulating me, yep it does look like a baby bump but I can assure its not!
(3) one of my friends advised me that I used to be skinny and now I am normal – ie you have got fat and a colleague at work said ‘its harder for people who used to be skinny when they put on a bit of podge’ ie you are no longer classed as skinny and are slightly podgy!

I am off to yet another wedding this weekend and will try not to over do it (who am I kidding) but will be back to it on Tuesday when I am home though I am out at a friends next Wednesday for dinner, oh dear.  I have booked to go to spin first so then it doesn’t matter what I eat/drink, right???

I have been good with the exercise but know from experience that it can take a while for exercise to count so am not going to weigh myself next Friday – though I will keep up the blog but will leave it two weeks and hopefully by then there will be a bigger change. 

And finally from the ramblings of a slightly obsessed mind, my new mini target is to have the dress that I wore to the 2 years ago for the interview for my current job fit me without feeling tight around the stomach…………..

I accept the challenge, now just to convince my willpower to do the same! xx

Thursday 16 August 2012

1 week

Well after a week of pretending to be good and actually not being, I have lost 2 pounds.  Not idea how or where I lost them as I have been on a bit of a food binge after a massive hangover from the wedding - basically ate anything I could get hold of after drinking many many drinks at the weekend.  I also slept in for work yesterday which meant I was an hour late going in (not good) and then had crap for lunch, pizza and salad for dinner and tooooo much red wine as I had a catch up with a friend last night which invariably invovled wine of the red variety.

Also managed to lose my wedding ring after making the pizza, its somewhere in the kitchen but cannot see it anywhere.  So the list of things currently lost/broken is now extended to the following:-

1  Passport (lost)
2  Driving licence (lost)
3  Wedding ring (lost in the flat so findable)
4  Iphone (broken, screen smashed and I have tried to fix it myself, not a good idea.  All the screws are out  and cant decifer how I am supposed to put the new screen on...... do not try to fix an iphone after a few glasses of wine)
5  Hard drive with all photos, music etc - need to pay at least £75 to fix this!

I seriously need to get a grip of myself and get onto the weightloss properly and sort out my life.  On a more positive note I am going for a run tonight with a friend so at least that is some exercise. 

So refering to my first post my thoughts for weight loss have now been extended to (4) use the Zaggora hotpants that I have bought already, make you sweat like a mo fo but fingers crossed (5) take the acai berry pills I have already bought, seriously its not hard to remember to take a pill (6) use the groupon deal for fatburn that I have - 8 treatments of fat burning and then more importantly remember resolutions 1-3!!!!! 

11 weeks and counting until the holidays when I must have the weight and the lost/broken things resolved by then.......................